Tucker Gergen - Son of angels: The Christian Percy Jackson

If I were to describe shadow chaser in one sentence I would say it is awkward and at some points it is just strait up bad, but it has some great action. Shadow chaser is the third book in a series called son of angels were a boy finds out he is a son of you guessed it a son of a angel. A cool perk of this is that he gets super powers. (Note: this is Christian novel it quotes the bible and the villain is Abandon a variation of Satan, but it is like Percy Jackson, you don’t need to believe in Greek gods for it to be entertaining)

I’ll be talking about the third book because that is the book I have read most recently but I’ll do a quick review of the other books. The first book, Spirit Fighter, gets very creative and opens the premise in a not awkward way and has cool tense action senses 8/10. The second book, Fire Prophet, has a really good last chapter and if I were to talk about more it would be spoilers 7/10.

Now to get to the real review. Lucky I can talk more about this book and not have any spoilers. This books main idea is that that the our main character is put through lots of tests and wants to be top of his class. At this point in the novel we find other children of angels. The main point of this novel is working with the school the school grades like sports 1/10 2/10 and so on. The objective of the protagonist is to get number one. The main focus is getting number one and those chapters are very good, but everything else is very bad. 

One scene talked about buying a drink very obviously trying to resemble alcohol but because our characters are underage we can’t do that. Instead they bought a very sugary drink and in public started doing one of those crazy dances and made a magician do real magic in a very awkward and just uncomfortable way. 




The characters are compelling at times

The book knows what it is good at action and uses most of the pages for that 

Very very awkward at times

Sometimes the characters are unrealistic

If it was just the action scenes I would give it angel/God but the awkwardness in some of the scenes takes it down a lot so I give it a Human/God still good just not perfect


  1. Great review! You did an excellent job of describing the plot of the book without completely spoiling the book. I also like how you put the pros and cons of the book. Great way to display your opinion.

  2. good and spoiler-free review 👍

  3. Sounds cool! I'm pretty curious as to how a human could be a son of an angel, but... is it scary? Or would you say it's just strange? - Joey

    1. The full plot is strange but makes sence. First the fallen (thats what they call the evil angles) has a kid with a human. That human becomes a good guy and has super speed. Then she has a kid then thats how you end up with a Son of angel. They are really called quarterlings because they are a quarter angel and his mmom of course is called a nephilim half angel. Makes sense right?


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