Saif Shakir - Mushishi Book Blog



Mushishi, written by Yuki Urushibara, is a manga about a character named Ginko, a Mushishi, whose main goal is to save people from the Mushi. A Mushishi is an individual who has the ability to see the Mushi. A Mushi is a spirit with special powers that transfers its abilities when possessing a host. In this manga, there are five different stories and each one is quite different in its own way. While these stories are separated into different chapters with their own meaning, they all have a little connection. However, my favorite story was about a man named Jin, who had a type of Mushi that was called Imeno no Awai. This Mushi can affect your dreams by making whatever is happening in your dream come to life. At the beginning of this story, these dreams occurred once in a while, but then they progressively increased and became an issue. As time passed, Jin’s dreams began to cause many other fatal accidents in his village. Luckily, Ginko heard about this man, and decided to find out why this Mushi was possessing him. After Ginko inspected the man, he decided to watch him as he slept. While Jin was sleeping, he realized that the Mushi was in his pillow, and the only way to get rid of his issue was to cut his pillow. However, slashing his pillow would also cause him to also get hurt because he was attached to the Mushi. But after he cut the pillow, and all the Mushi came out he never had the dreaming issue again.



Reading Mushishi was an experience that was hard to explain. While reading this manga, I almost felt like I was in Ginko’s perspective, but at the same time I was watching them from a outsider point of view. However, if I’m being completely honest, I did get a little lost during the first story because it was all over the place. The idea of Mushi was quite complicated to understand too. But once I continued reading and delved into the other stories, I started to catch on to the theme. Overall, I enjoyed reading this manga and appreciated its unique concept. 


I would rate this manga a solid 8.5 out of 10 because of its interesting characters and unique art panels. Even though this manga has an intriguing plot, I found it to be somewhat confusing at times, but I would recommend people to read this.


  1. This book sounds interesting. I might read this book in the future. Great book review!

  2. I'm really interested on what is mushi and how mushi works and I might check this book out.


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