Gus Powell "The Horse and His Boy," by C.S. Lewis
I read The Horse and His Boy for this blog post, and it is volume 3 in a seven book series called The Chronicles of Narnia . It follows a young boy named Shasta in his escape from slavery in the land of Calormen, for all intensive purposes, with a horse that can talk, as they go into the beautiful land of Narnia. First, Shasta basically goes over some background information that involves his "father." His "father" is a fisherman who lives only with Shasta and goes to nearby towns to sell at the market. Eventually a tarkan, which is a governor I think, who wants to buy Shasta. Shasta overhears this conversation and meets the governor's horse, who can talk. He is from Narnia. They decide to run off to no longer be under the servitude of another person, and go north. Along the way, they get chased by lions and meet a young girl named Aravis. It turns out, she, being royalty, was being forced to marry a horrible man, and she fled. Together, with her horse that can...